Monday, December 10, 2012

Vacuum-Sealing via Peanut-Butter

Peanut butter and milk, or hemp milk as I prefer,
should always be consumed in the same sentence,
so as to prevent the throat sticking together.
Just because I referenced a 'sentence' does not make this 'writing', nor poetry,
nor worthy of reading-- it's because I am a woman,
that fact makes this worth reading. No, really. Because I am a woman,
and now you know what women think about, at least what this woman thinks about
at 2:13 in the morning… My mind floats to writing, to peanut butter-eating,
to preventing myself vacuum-sealing via peanut butter.
And you are reading this because I am a woman. This interests you because,
you are another woman, or you are not- and you wish to know how we function.
I think of vacuums, writing, peanut butter, poetry, sisterhood and street harassment.
Of expanding the themes on which we write and are read, as women who think.
"A Peanut-Butter Woman, are we now, Madame?"
All the nuts in the world could not shut me up, nor vacuum-seal my opinions.
And it is our responsibility to take interest in how each-other functions.
I believe that you are becoming equal to what I am living, my opinions.
My integrity holds you by the millions, rapt attentions to my good intentions.
Hear, I stand, a woman worth reading, because now you know how
I am thinking.

(c) Maria Enns 2012, All rights reserved.